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Josefine Nicklasson

Paris, France


PR & Communication Rombaut 

Paris, France


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams?

I only have a small studio in Paris which is not really suitable for a quarantine life so right now I’m staying with my sexy ass friend and colleague Giulia (shoutout @lazzarelligiulia). She has an amazing apartment in Montramarte with balconies and wonderful views of Paris. It’s really cool since we then can still manage our daily activities for Rombaut as well as enjoying wine nights and exercising together. Of course, we are struggling a bit since we have to rethink the way we work, but it has also given the team more time to focus on the core values of the brand, use our creativity and to plan what’s ahead. Hopefully, now people will finally realise that sustainability can not be taken for granted.


What is your soundtrack?

Childish Gambino 3.15.20 when walking up, Off the Meds while working, Partymobile for dinners and wine, 4:44 for working out and Soto Asa for fun.