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He Liu

London, United Kingdom


Student, content creator

London, United Kingdom 


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams?

It is definitely overwhelming. 2020 is supposedly the year I graduate and start something amazing - I have dreamt on what such a magical year should look like, and never imagined it this way. I get anxious easily and often when I feel stuck. Yet, I am currently in quarantine day 22 and I feel amazingly calm. I am working hard on finishing my final year project, cooking three meals a day, re-watching ten seasons of Modern Family… sometimes I do nothing. I feel blessed with me and my family’s health, London’s sunny weather, and technology that allows people to be ‘digitally’ together in such pandemic. Isolation is not loneliness – it is an opportunity to create a new mindset, identify missed opportunities, reflect, and prepare for the best that’s yet to come.

What is your soundtrack?

Still trapped in the whole album When I get home by Solange, both the sound and visual of the video are level-masterpiece. Emerging Chinese artist Lexie Liu’s new album Meta Ego is also on my repeat, her words have such strong characteristics.