In the first virtual room illustrated by Samy LaCrapule, Jordan Anderson investigates the future of Fashion Weeks in post-pandemic fashion, after the proclamations of brands and designers on an update of the formats between virtual alternatives and branding strategies. In room two, Cecilia Caruso asks the question about the trend that has dominated the last decade in the fashion industry: has streetwear died or has it been institutionalized? In the third illustrated room Timo Helgert- aka @vacades with Filippo D’Asaro asked Luca Benini and Alessandro Poggi what brands will be in the next decade on a global level and how the meaning of luxury is changing. In the last room, with the works of Andrei Warren, Francesco Abazia wonders who the next major creators will be, after the creator's figure was first born and then radically changed in the last ten years, consequently changing the whole world of fashion.
Listen to the full playlist on Spotify by nss magazine.