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Mrs Herskin

Mrs Herskin

Mrs Herskin nasce a Budapest (Ungheria), ma vive e lavora ad Orion. Nessuno può dire di conoscerla davvero se non i pochi intimi: la sua filosofia è l'anonimato, l'ignoto, il non volto. Creazioni quindi che restano sospese, solitarie, ma collegate da un unico filo conduttore: l'amore per il suo paese. Nessun cliché. Mrs Herskin ricama pensieri, usi e costumi della città natia mescolando sapientemente cuoio, metallo, vetro. Materiali innovativi, superfici inedite, uniche nel suo genere.



Mrs Herskin belongs to Budapest (Hungary), but she lives and works in the Orion. Nobody knows where she comes from, remaining faceless and shapeless. She’s attracted to the monumental untouchable, has a truly bizarre mind and inappropriate personality, so she’s not judging or trying to attach. As a designer she’s raging, looking for the hidden imperfectness (or the imperfectness in the absolute perfect?).  Her works are indescribable. No clichés. She embroiders thoughts and manners, building a humorous wonderland of leather, metal or any material she finds useful. No compromises, when it comes to quality, looking for the most interesting and amazing textures, which she combines with her utmost sensitive taste. Surfaces are innovatively and attentively created, so her accessories make you feel one-of-a-kind.