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Kate Moss - Colour Me Good

Kate Moss - Colour Me Good

Kate Moss è unica, ma anche camaleontica.

E’ la vera regina d’Inghilterra, la top model più amata di sempre, la signora Hince, la it girl suprema, la ragazza del rock.

Mel Simone Elliott, studi al Royal Collage of Art, viene incontro ai nostri desideri. Ci riporta bambini, regalandoci Colour me good: Kate Moss, un album da colorare interamente dedicato a lei. In ogni pagina uno scatto celebre, da quello per la campagna di Chanel a quella di Mango, dagli scatti per Vogue al ritratto della modella con l’ex Pete Doherty. Compratevi il libro, in commercio per circa 12 euro, e improvvisatevi artisti.

Già finito di colorare Kate? Passate a Colour me good: Ryan Gosling!



Kate Moss is unique, but also chameleon.

She’s the real queen of England, the most loved top model, Mrs Hince, the rock girl.

Mel Simone Elliott, graduated at Royal Collage of Art, fulfills these our desires. She brings us back to childhood, giving us Colour me good:Kate Moss, a coloring book entirely dedicated to her. In every page you can find a famous photo, from the one for the Chanel’s campaign to the one for Mango, from the pictures for Vogue to the one with the ex boyfriend Pete Doherty. Buy the book, it costs about 12 euros, and let yourself become an artist.

Finish to color Kate yet? Move to Colour me good: Ryan Gosling!