Haute Couture SS15 - As seen on Instagram
06 Febbraio 2015
Diciamo che sono uno specialista di Instagram, oppure che ho tanto tempo libero. Ho fatto di Instagram uno strumento di lavoro e un punto d'osservazione sulla vita lì fuori. Qui la mia classifica sulla Haute Couture, con naturalmente la mia personale opinione.
Started from the bottom now we here! The first picture of this chart is brought to you by the always present @fashiontomax. Get scared! Because Maxim can appear wherever you are. #MAKEUP first and If we are talking about the perfect makeup of course we are talking about @patmcgrathreal for this Dolce HC selfie.

I CAN'T- I can't stop falling in love wit this bombshell taking selfie in the bathroom. The hot IG raising star @CarolineVreeland is giving us some free tips on how to dress up if you are in Paris during HC Week. #cvtribe

If you're not following her, you definitely don't know how's to live in lux! @susancasden took us behind the scenes of the HC week. The Dolce Ballerinas are everything.

Each year @Giambattistapr feel the emptiness in all of us with tons of rouges and life long gowns! The Pois Veil is among the others, seen on the other catwalks, the cutest. Unfortunately someone else was already wearing the trend! #accessories

Oh, hey hello Chiara! Couldn't be an Instagram chart without the queen of IG @chiaraferragni wearing a " I'm the 3.2 M bitch" Dior suit, brought to you by @styledotcom.

Raf, I can't say anything because you made it Viral and they're already everywhere but.. who's the target? Bitchy 90 y o woman from Montenapoleone? Btw the most iconic piece from this HC week couldn't be anything else but the @dior couture Boots!

Here's Lena Perminova and you will never EVER have my legs and yes, I BUY couture. ( I also party with @peter_dundas)

Highlight of this "Alta Moda" week is of course Dolce and the incredible performance at " La Scala". Favorite IG artist @Donalddrawbertson couldn't miss as well to sketch this moment. go ROBERTO!!!!!

And The winner is... Thank you @tinaleung you made us all ( dirty and poor peasants) live the dream of the Couture, made of that fairy atmosphere and chiffon dresses. Here's the timeless beauty of @maisonValentino