Gareth Pugh is leaving Paris for New York
immersive live performance

04 Agosto 2014
Anche se per una sola stagione Gareth Pugh si sposta dalla sua amata Parigi, dove vive e lavora ormai da sei anni a New York, con una sfilata che includerà una coinvolgente “immersive live performance” dove dobbiamo aspettarci davvero di tutto.
"Fashion is very stuck in its ways, and I wanted to present something that would make people think, and maybe move the needle a bit," the English designer told the New York Times. "I know it’s a big risk," he added. "And I’m worried. But I think it’s good to light a fire under your bum every once in a while.”
"I know this is a business, and we need to sell clothes, but it is also about image and inspiration, and sometimes a live show can miss the mark a bit," Pugh said. "The lights go up, the model walks out, and you lose control of it. It’s really important to not only communicate, ‘This is a nice dress’ or ‘This is a cool trouser,’ but to sell the dream."
Siamo sicuri che Pugh realizzerà un lavoro eccezionale riproponendoci uno dei suoi eccentrici e suggestivi show.
Ci vediamo il 4 settembre.