A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

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Saint Laurent goes nineties

A special project with Courtney Love and Kim Gordon

Saint Laurent goes nineties A special project with Courtney Love and Kim Gordon
Saint Laurent goes nineties A special project with Courtney Love and Kim Gordon

Hedi Slimane ha sempre avuto un forte amore per la musica, specie quella indie con tutta la sua iconografia. Ora che è a capo del colosso francese Saint Laurent sceglie Courtney Love, Marilyn Manson, Kim Gordon e Ariel Pink come volti del suo music project, campagna pubblicitaria, in anteprima per Dazed Digital, che ha per protagonisti le quattro rockstars. Slimane riprende così la tradizione dei suoi rock diaries, serie di ritratti in bianco e nero dal forte impatto visivo, e quella della maison che da Bianca e Mick Jagger in poi ha vestito icone di ogni decennio. Dopo aver omaggiato il grunge nell’ultima collezione invernale, il designer elegge a muse la Love, artista ribelle ed irrequieta e la Gordon, bassista e fondatrice dei Sonic Youth, entrambe icone di stile di quegli anni ’90 tornati prepotentemente di moda. It girls del secolo scorso che, insieme a Mr Manson e il giovane Ariel Pink a far loro da contraltare, descrivono un nuova estetica del lusso, sdrucita e fuori dalle righe. 


Hedi Slimane has always had a strong love for music: especially the indie one with all its iconography. Being now the head of the French giant Saint Laurent, Slimane chooses Courtney Love, Marilyn Manson, Kim Gordon and Ariel Pink as the new faces of his music project and advertising campaign previewed for Dazed Digital, which sees the four rockstars as the main protagonists. Slimane resumes the tradition of his rock diaries with a series of portraits in black and white with a strong visual impact as well as the maison’s tradition that from Bianca and Mick Jagger on,has dressed music icons of every decade. Having paid homage with the last winter’s collection to the grunge era, the designer well chooses its muses: Love, rebel and restless artist and Gordon, bassist and founder of Sonic Youth,  who have both been style icons of '90s. These “vintage” it girls, along with Mr. Manson and the young Ariel Pink, describe a torn and elegant aesthetic of luxury.