A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

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The line of beauty - Rene Gurskov SS 2012

The line of beauty - Rene Gurskov SS 2012
The line of beauty - Rene Gurskov SS 2012

Ispirato alle serie drammatiche in costume in onda sulla BBC, tutte incentrati su potere, soldi e sesso, il lavoro di Rene Gurskov presenta un uomo versatile, che reinterpreta il concetto di classe ed eleganza. Influenze dagli anni '80 che si fondano con il buon gusto e l'eleganza di una nobiltà scomparsa, per un uomo che rigetta gli status symbol e i must have di stagione, indossati troppo spesso come uniforme prive di personalità, a favore di un forte richiamo streetwear ma con un impronta decisamente strong e legata al mondo del clubbing, tanto caro al designer. Facciamo così spazio a colori pastello, a frange e merletti, che supportano la filosofia party sportswear di Rene, tutto questo sempre a favore di una nuova linea di bellezza: elegante e nobile, ma anche comoda e versatile.

“Fiercely intelligent, with a First from Oxford and a passion for Henry James, he is seduced by the beautiful things and people that he encounters through the glamorous Fedden family. As he increases in confidence, Nick becomes a self-assured and charming player in this new world of privilege”.

From the novel by Alan Hollinghurst adapted for television by BBC.

Inspired from the endless costume dramas from BBC – all about love, class, money and sex! And being well dressed in all decades – even the eighties look smart.
Can one create a mans collection based on romantic drama? It is the ever returning discussion how dressed up can a man be and still be some kind of a man. Even today men seem to be most comfortable in some kind of uniform. The blogger boys in their black tights, hoodie and huge designer bags and the rock stars in skinny jeans and leatherjackets and a mega attitude. Even I have my uniform – hundreds of caps and designers sneaks!
For ss 12 Rene Gurskov tries to soften up the mans wardrobe with pastel colours in doodle patterns, fringes and lace, little boys school uniforms and a kind of disco version of  sportswear.
Who talks about taste – when we work in the line of beauty!