Focus on: Damir Doma - The purist perfectionist
15 Dicembre 2011
Occhi puntati sullo stile dell’uomo di Damir Doma, giovane designer croato che si è formato alla corte di Raf Simons e Dirk Schoenberger.
L’uomo di Doma è decostruito. Nelle idee, nelle forme. Lascia da parte i canoni del vestire classico sartoriale, quelli del “cucito addosso” e diventa uno dei pionieri tra quelli che propongono una nuova immagine del maschio odierno, fatta di forme rigorose, scivolate tanto quanto rigide, tagli lunghi, volumi accattivanti, colori neutri e naturali, materiali impalpabili su forme che molto spesso vengono accostate a immagini femminili ma che nelle collezioni di Damir incarnano quanto mai la virilità di un uomo molto forte ma dall’animo alternativo, cosmopolita, un lui che ama l’introspezione e la ricerca del sé.
Un’estetica astratta e inconiugabile quella dello stilista Croato.
A conferma di ciò ci giunge la consapevolezza che il designer trae ispirazione per ogni suo lavoro da mondi immaginari, paesaggi lontani in cui egli si rinchiude per trarre ispirazione e l’essenza da sintetizzare nel tracciare le linee guida di ogni collezione. Ce lo sussurra all’orecchio lo stesso designer-artista in occasione della Arnhem Mode Biennale 2011 in cui esplifica in maniera tangibile tramite il video visual “white desert”” il suo universo mentale ispirazionale.
“…an abstract place, a tangent upon which I lose sense of why, when and where. There is no past and no future; it is something very timeless. For this installation I offer the audience my inner eye, an invitation into my world. The space has been transformed into a white desert - a spiritual and silent place. An arid landscape is fused with the purity of blinding white. Travellers are lost in the sands, as they become the salt of the earth."
Siamo sicuri che venga anche da questo “deserto bianco“ la vocazione per la women collection SS 2012 presentata all’ultima settimana della moda parigina.
It’s all eyes on men’s style by Damir Doma, the young designer from Croatia who was trained at the court of Raf Simons and Dirk Schoenberger.
The man of Doma is deconstructed in ideas and in form. Leaving aside the constrictions of classic couture, he is among the pioneers who propose a new image of today’s male. And it’s got us hooked. The look is formed by strict shapes, long cuts, natural colors, and obscure materials, which creates a very close tie to styles more known to women. On the contrary, Damir Doma collections embody a very strong man with an alternative and cosmopolitan soul who loves the introspection and pursuit of self. It’s an abstract aesthetic for the Croatian fashion designer.The designer shuts himself in imaginary worlds and distant landscapes for inspiration and synthesis of the essence of each collection.
This was whispered to us by the artist-designer at the Arnhem Mode Biennale 2011 where he breaks down his mental inspirational universe in a tangible way through the video-visual "white desert.”
"... An abstract place, upon which I lose sense of why, when and where. There is no past and no future, it is something very timeless. For this installation I offer my audience the inner eye, an invitation into my world. The space has been transformed into a white desert – a spiritual and silent place. An arid landscape is fused with the purity of blinding white. Travelers are lost in the sands, as they become the salt of the earth."
We are sure this "white desert" was also the birthplace of the women’s collection SS 2012, which was presented in the last Parisian fashion week.