A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

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Teyana Taylor per Flofferz Magazine ISSUE 002

Be resilient and let the rain of judgments and insults slide down your umbrella of indifference

Teyana Taylor per Flofferz Magazine ISSUE 002 Be resilient and let the rain of judgments and insults slide down your umbrella of indifference
Teyana Taylor per Flofferz Magazine ISSUE 002 Be resilient and let the rain of judgments and insults slide down your umbrella of indifference

È Teyana Taylor la protagonista della cover del nuovo numero di Flofferz. Il magazine collabora con l'associazione Sexual Minorities Uganda, che si batte per i diritti umani in Uganda. Ogni numero di Flofferz Magazine infatti, è dedicato ad una battaglia, in particolare nell'ISSUE 002 si concentra sul rapporto tra società ed individuo, trattando argomenti come omosessualità, aborto e comunità LGBQT. Ritratta per la prima volta insieme a sua figlia Bug, appaiono felici insieme, legatissime, spingionano un amore intrinseco. L'amore di una madre per la sua creatura. Nel numero del magazine, inoltre, è stata pubblicata insieme alle foto, una struggente lettera che la Taylor ha scritto rivolgendosi alla figlia. Le parla della vita, del mondo, dell'amore. La incoraggia ad avere la forza di affrontare tutto questo, tra sentimenti negativi ed emozioni sconvolgenti. Le racconta del momento della sua nascita, delle lacrime di suo padre. Le scrive di non dar importanza al giudizio delle persone, perchè il giudizio è importante tanto quanto è importante per lei. Siamo noi i padroni del nostro destino, delle nostre scelte, della nostra felicità

"Dear Bug,
Since your first breath, life has become so much more. Everything makes so much sense now. You are my motivation and you bring the greatness out in me.You are my heart. I knew at first glance that it was love. As we gazed into each other's eyes and you thanked me for life, all I could think of is how much I should be thanking you. Not a tear from you as we watched your father cry. As you grow older, you will understand that life is a long road that you cannot travel without having people pointing fingers at you. We live in a world where people have the right to their opinions, however you have the right to refuse them as your truth. People only have as much power as you give them. Remember that. Be resilient and let the rain of judgments and insults slide down your umbrella of indifference. Bug, you have the ability to operate at a whole new level of permission for yourself. Never dim your light so that others can handle your brightness.Refuse to be objectified because of your race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. Define your success, not by the words of others, but by the work, efforts, love and faith that you will pour into all of the things that you do. Embrace diversity in all kinds of people. In a world in which some leaders choose to exploit people's ignorance and create anxiety, reject their claims. Our lack of understanding of others and lack of open mindedness is what promotes division, rejection, hatred, fear and blame. I promise you a world filled with love and I'm going to give you that. You were worth every kick, every contraction and beauty mark. You are a beautiful distraction from this imperfect world; my beautiful sanctuary. As you grow carry yourself as a beautiful black queen without limits. I look forward to watching you develop your own grace, wisdom and patience in the essence of God’s perfect timing. Remember that you can do and achieve anything. As long as you can see it's real, anything is possible. 

Mommy loves you June Bug,
always and forever."