A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

A Guide to All Creative Directors

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Snoop Dogg shot by Terry Richardson

Richardson's diary

Snoop Dogg shot by Terry Richardson Richardson's diary
Snoop Dogg shot by Terry Richardson Richardson's diary

Suo padre, Bob Richardson, insieme a Helmut Newton e Richard Avedon, ha rivoluzionato la foto di moda negli anni settanta. Lui ha uno stile provocatorio, trasgressivo e sfacciato, c’è chi afferma che le sue foto siano arte e chi pornografia, Terry Richardosn impressiona le immagini più significative del nostro secolo su pellicola. Molto spesso è autobiografico e narcisista, il suo lavoro è considerato di rilievo nell'ambito della fotografia contemporanea grazie alla sua manualità naturale. Lui stesso si autodefinisce rocktografo, miscelando in un gioco di parole la sua passione per le foto e per il rock. Col suo atteggiamento sfrontato, aggressivo e disinibito, Terry, negli ultimi vent'anni, ha riunito attorno a sé alcune tra le icone più importanti della cultura pop. Ha immortalato top model e grandi star: Leonardo Di Caprio, Sharon Stone, Lenny Kravitz, Kate Moss, persino Barack Obama lo adora. Ha firmato le copertine delle migliori riviste del mondo: GQ, Interview, Vice, The New York Times Magazine, Rolling Stone, Vogue USA. Sul suo blog troviamo gli scatti pubblicati ieri, con il celebre rapper Snoop Dogg super accessoriato, tra le foto non poteva mancare lo stesso Richardson che indossa un cappotto giallo e verde di Snoop.  



His father, Bob Richardson, along with Helmut Newton and Richard Avedon revolutionized fashion photography in the seventies. He has a provocative, outrageous and cheeky, there are those who say that his photos are art and those who pornography, Terry Richardosn impresses most significant images of our century of film. Very often it is autobiographical and narcissistic, his work is considered important in the context of contemporary photography thanks to its natural dexterity. He himself rockographer mixing in a play on words his passion for photos and rock. With his attitude bold, aggressive and uninhibited, Terry, in the last twenty years, has gathered around him some of the most important icons of pop culture. Immortalized supermodel and big stars: Leonardo DiCaprio, Sharon Stone, Lenny Kravitz, Kate Moss, even Barack Obama loves it. He signed the covers of the world's best magazines: GQ, Interview, Vice, The New York Times Magazine, Rolling Stone, Vogue USA. On his blog are the shots published yesterday, with the famous rapper Snoop Dogg super equipped, including photos could not miss the Richardson wearing a yellow coat and green Snoop.