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SAVE THE DATE: Gaetano Pesce - Six tables on water

David Gill Galleries, London 5th October - 22nd December

SAVE THE DATE: Gaetano Pesce - Six tables on water David Gill Galleries, London 5th October - 22nd December

Presso la sua galleria di riferimento londinese il celebre e geniale, visionario ,versatile architetto designer Gaetano Pesce, presenta “Six tables on water”, una nuova serie di tavoli dedicati al tema dell’acqua. Le resine, di cui sono composti i sinuosi e frastagliati piani dalle evocative tonalità verde-azzurro, disegnano paesaggi lacustri, oceanici, lagunari, fluviali, come se fossero visti dall’alto, con una succulenta e appassionata dovizia di dettagli mozzafiato.


In his london art gallery of reference the famous one brilliant, visionary architect and designer Gaetano Pesce, presents "Six tables on water", the new collection of tables dedicated to water theme.  The resins, of whom are composed the winding and jagged plans from the evocative green tone-blue, draw lacustrian, oceanic,l agoon and fluvial landscapes, like if they were looked from high, with a succulent and passionate abundance of details that take breath away.