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Steel masks by Dale Dunning

Steel masks by Dale Dunning

Sono molti gli artisti specializzati in scultura bronzea, ma non tutti fanno della maschera il tema visivo centrale dell'opera. E' il caso di Dale Dunning, canadese d'origine. Le sculture figurative dell'artista che salda insieme metallo e viteria in acciaio, sono racchiuse in un unico concetto: una forma intricata a forma di uovo, semplificata, androgina, priva di dettagli. Testa intesa come unico fondamento di percezione del mondo, come specchio di esperienza. 

"Viviamo nelle nostre teste". Ecco la sua poetica. Attraverso contrapposizioni di superfici eterogenee, dal bronzo lucido al patinato, dal zigrinato al liscio, le sue sculture evocano un mondo suggestivo che deve essere esplorato e raccontato.

“My representation of the head is non-specific as to gender, time, colour or creed. As an object of contemplation it functions as a mirror of the viewers’ experience, reflecting and evoking conscious and subconscious memories, thoughts and feelings.”


Many artists are specialized in bronze sculpture, but Dale Dunning, a Canadian artist, makes something of really different where the masks, the faces are the bechmark.â?¨

The artist's figurative sculptures, in metal and steel fasteners, are contained within a single concept: a form intricate egg-shaped, streamlined, androgynous, with no details. Head seen as the only foundation of perception of a mirror of experience.

"We live in our heads" is his poetry. Through juxtapositions of heterogeneous surfaces, from polished bronze with patina, from smooth to ribbed, his sculptures evoke a world of history that must be explored and told.