Articles related to Hermès

In 2025, is fashion about bodies or clothes?

The ultra-luxury segment is thriving

Why are it-bags M.I.A?

All the times Mondrian has meddled in fashion

The uncertain future of wearable tech in fashion

When Bernard Arnault tried to buy Hermès

Is French luxury reinventing the concept of shops?

Every time high fashion has designed for the workforce

In the rain with transparent outerwear

The playful charm of bags that don't look like bags

Hermès sidesteps the crisis in the luxury sector and sees its sales rise by 11%

Excessive thinness is again an issue in the fashion world

Hermès on the threshold of Haute Couture?

Why bags were the real stars of Hermès' ss25 collection

Hermès blurs the boundaries between bag and jewel

Hermès opens a new leather goods factory in Riom, Auvergne