Football Gvng
Introducing Euro Social Gvng
January 27th, 2017
Instagram (and all the social networks) are always a good way, if not the only one, to stay adjourned with everything that happens around the world. Scrolling our feeds we come throught the simple but effective design of the jerseys of the Euro Social Gvng. I have immediately reached Gianmarco Dimagli, one of the founders of the project, to talk about the genesis and inspirations behind it.
How and why Euro Social Gvng was born?
The idea for Euro Social Gvng was born from a personal necessity, and for personal necessity we don't mean an ancestral desire that comes some deepest self. For personal necessity we really mean the narrow sense of the term, let’s us explains better: we love football and we love the sportswear, influenced by the English grime and Italian rap scenes. We saw online jerseys of great marks of the fashion, purchasable for too much for of a product that was clearly fake. It didn't even convince us the leading idea leading, too much distant from our culture. So we started acting in order to understand whether produce by ourselves a customized football jersey of good quality but closer to our style and culture. After different researches on different models and some photoshop and illustrator work the first model was born.

We liked it a lot, so we have thought that perhaps we were not the only ones to think it in tat way. We posted the graphics of the jersey online from our private account; the posted image had in a few hours hundreds and hundreds of like / reactions and boys' comments from Italy asking us where found the jersey. Then we imagined that this attention on this first jersey could be channeled in something greater of a simple graphics on a sweater, and that we had to push to strongly believe in what we had created. The idea to represent places, musical scenes and groups as teams of which to feel yourself part is feeling stronger than the simple marketing of a jersey.

Where the Euro Social Gvng name comes from?
Euro social gvng because this is the Champions League of the gangs, of the culture of the neighborhoods of Europe, the subculture of the street football mixed to benches, to streetwear, to rap, to grime, to trap. We are a parallel Champions League, we are the boys that are not represented only by the color of their preferred teams; it also represents us our music, our culture, our buildings from England, in Portugal, from Italy in France, from Germany in Spain… Football players that we idolize play their games in temples like Old Trafford, Stadium, Parc des Princes, Bernabeu, we play by the roads every day.
What do you think of the "new trend fashion" that is investing the football industry?
We are completely dependent from the aesthetics that football has contributed to give to every decade of the recent history. Not only the spots of the 90s and 00s by now become cult, but also the photographer who tell the most beautiful and poetic subject of the world from a different point of view. We are not surprise by this trend, and we wouldn’t call it “new”. It is perhaps new for the fashions victims who have seen the Juventus jersey on Drake, but they are the same people that discover Trasher mag in 2016 when Rihanna used to wear their tee, this doesn't have any value.
The true value has influenced, influence and it will keep on influencing generations of boys out there. This is not a trend, we are Italian, and like us in whole Europe, football belong to our culture and life.