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A week between NBA & Snapchat

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A week between NBA & Snapchat New Sport Side
A week between NBA & Snapchat New Sport Side

The NBA is the world where in a week, day more, day less, can happen so many things to overturn the beliefs of an entire season, if not of a lifetime. This piece started when LeBron James announced that he had finally joined the sect of the snapchatters and opened a Snapchat account. There has been criticism and controversy. Because only a few days before LeBron seems to have unfollowed Kirye Irving on Twitter, his partner in crime, and the Cleveland Cavaliers, his team. LeBron usually resets his social presence with the approach of the playoffs, and his moves above seemed quite in contrast.

Much simpler is the version that want LeBron on Snapchat - not so active - thanks to DJ Khaled, music guru for some time transformed into guru Snapchat. The story that brought the company to a very fast instant success - in a certain range of users - after the re-branding is quick and easy. Hassan Whiteside, the Miami Heat center, was at Khaled's home in Florida. He spoke him of this Snapchat, his favorite app, that Khaled has downloaded and obtained an incredible result: 20 million followers.

Khaled is now trying to return the favor entire NBA, endorsing different players. With LeBron, fishing would be very big. Whiteside said recently, "I owe to him all my followers", and 600,000 daily views, the most popular in the NBA. "I think Snapchat is an extraordinary way to connect NBA players with their fans, it's like having a 24 hour camera focused on 24". I'm a fan of the NBA, and I spent much of the last week, not the day, to follow the most active player accounts (and some team) NBA.

The NBA players have to spend much time in the car. Cars and hotel rooms. The first is almost counter-intuitive, for athletes tossed every day across America. But there are, and what is the best time to snapchatting. Lance Stephenson (born_ready23) is a type ... exuberant, we say. Wednesday night, returning from the hall where the Memphis Grizzles had just finished playing, Lance wore of Adidas sweatshirt and bandana and started to sing, offering his followers an entire sample of the hottest music of the moment: from Drake Rihanna through Young Thug. Even Draymond Green, the Warriors jolly, often turns into the car.

Following Stephenson I also learned that NBA players take particular their haircuts. Update them continuously, and immortalize the barber, or before you go. Others, like Russell Westbrook (second in ranking by number of followers) even ask for advice: braids? Or na?

In a whole week I could not even see a snap by Kevin Durant, a few - and often very intimate - by Carmelo Anthony. Also Boogie Cousins ​​was strangely silent. James Harden instead saw only shoes, from his new collection for adidas. Facial hair is a sign of how much the company now become the man par excellence of the German brand in America, a brand that - like any other brand - mainly teaches you one thing: sell, your product, on social. Yes, sir.

We talked of a thousand things that can happen in the NBA in just one week. For Kirye Irving, the Lebron unfollow was not the tip of the iceberg of a social hell week. Seems to have been cheeted directly on Instagram from his girlfriend Tinashe, when she returned with PARTYNEXTDOOR, the team rapper Drake. Only a few hours, and thousands of newspaper headlines after Tinashe has tried to commit suicide, it looks for emotional distress caused by the incessant gossip. Bad story. Meanwhile, Cleveland Cavs crowned the dream of a small fan to see himself delivered an autograph. Success.

This Snapchat is a great medium for the NBA to bring all his fans and fans behind the scenes. What do the players eat on the plane? What put the players in exchange for a transfer? How they behave when they are, away? Away in New York, the NBA has entrusted its account to the rookie of Indiana Myles Turner, to follow him in a pre-race evening. Hotel rooms, panoramic tour by taxi and a real newyorker hamburger while watching college basketball. In New York there was also Ric Flair, wrestling legend stars and stripes. He could not finish on Snapchat.

The crazy week of the NBA ended with Russellgate. In short: D'Angelo Russell filmed Nick Young (our Swaggy P) and confessed to having betrayed Iggy Azalea. The video is over a network and now everyone hates Russell and no one sits next to him in the locker room or passes him the ball. Absurd. Only a few hours before the Lakers account pledged to publicize the bobble head of Kobe Bryant.

Closing mandatory for the two snap-star brightest NBA universe. The already cited Whiteside and Larry Sanders.
The first has truly grasped the essence of the company, having fun, making funny faces, interacts with his followers, watching cartoons. Whiteside is simply the best spot ever for Snapchat.

Larry Sanders instead the best nickname (Nappy King, King of naps) and although his pictures are slightly less playful and creepy, can involve large numbers of people when she laughs with her new fashion mask or buys very vintage arcade boxes.

One week and more than 100 screenshots (tempted, succeeded and some missed) after the impression it is that Snapchat is to stay in the NBA, as before him Facebook and Twitter. Has brought the level of interaction to the next step, we plunged us all in golden grapevine, albeit with some semblance of normalcy, the NBA star. Now it you downloaded the phone. Until next time.