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nss sports will manage the Sport Communication and Brand Reputation course at Unilimec

To observe the sports universe from a different perspective

nss sports will manage the Sport Communication and Brand Reputation course at Unilimec To observe the sports universe from a different perspective

September is approaching and a new academic season is beginning for students across Italy: an important moment for those starting a new journey in search of new stimuli. In the next two months, the first university course will be introduced by nss sports, the vertical of nss magazine dedicated to the culture and aesthetics of football. It is a reference point in Europe for all those who are passionate about closely observing the intersection between The Beautiful Game and fashion.

This is the course in Sport Communication and Brand Reputation within the degree program in Language Mediation with a specialization in Sport Management at Unilimec. During the first semester, the nss sports editorial team will hold 10 special lessons, including numerous case studies and relevant guests from the sports, design, and fashion sectors, both internal and external to the company. Additionally, they will organize two events and finally provide support to five students in writing their thesis. At the beginning of the year, Unilimec will open a call offering 4 scholarships "powered by nss". This is the absolute debut for nss sports in the academic field; our desire to teach based on the work experience we have accumulated over the years is immense, and the Sport Communication and Brand Reputation course is the best stage to do so.

Learn more about the Sport Communication and Brand Reputation course by visiting this link.