Atletico Madrid set up a digital hub for creatives
Ready to unleash your creativity
April 11th, 2023
A few weeks ago, Atletico Madrid launched a programme that aims to support and give visibility to artists from all over the world. "We want creators like you to be able to unleash your creativity, share ideas and collaborate with the club and the community on unique and inspiring projects", with these words the club wants to give a space to all those young creatives, from anywhere in the world, ready to show and demonstrate their creativity. Participating is easy, just register on the website and go to the dedicated form, there is time until 30 June.
¡Atención, creadores!
— Atlético de Madrid (@Atleti) April 5, 2023
¿Quieres colaborar con nosotros y exponer tu talento ante millones de personas?
¡Entonces no puedes perderte e Atleti Creators Club! #AtletiCreatorsClub
"No matter your discipline, if you are passionate about creation, this is the right place for you. The best profiles will have the opportunity to show the world their talent."
Participation has no limits, every creator from any field, whether artistic or fashion-related, is called upon to share their ideas. A jury of club members will select each project to assess its creativity and originality, and eventually turn it into reality. The club will contact the winners directly, communicating the terms and methods of realisation of each proposal. A proposal that we are not used to seeing often, especially for a football club, which wants to put its fans and club enthusiasts at the centre of its creativity, giving the chance to anyone from anywhere in the world to realise something never seen before.