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Tik Tok will be global partner of UEFA EURO 2020

Communication with fans on the most downloaded app of 2020

Tik Tok will be global partner of UEFA EURO 2020 Communication with fans on the most downloaded app of 2020
Tik Tok will be global partner of UEFA EURO 2020 Communication with fans on the most downloaded app of 2020

Tik Tok has been announced as a global partner of EURO 2020, becoming the first digital entertainment platform that sponsors an international sports competition. Digital content will be produced on the app for Europeans, which will be held in 2021 due to the pandemic - but, since it was scheduled to take place in 2020, UEFA decided not to change its name. It will be an itinerant competition for the first time history (according to the new format) and the inaugural match will be held in Italy, at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome. 

For UEFA, Tik Tok says, new forms of digital communication and functions will be introduced with this partnership, including AR effects, the Hashtag Challenge, streaming programs such as Tik Tok LIVE and Suoni so as to create greater interaction between the fan community and European football events. UEFA has allowed Tik Tok access to its archives so that it can produce content on the history of Europe and produce all kinds of productions. In addition, on the platform channel, fans will also be involved for the choice of the collaboration name with EURO 2020, while in the coming months (however before the tournament), UEFA will also open a channel of its own on Tik Tok, definitively entering this platform as well. 

Tik Tok will also involve other sports realities, including Serie A - through the hashtag #CiaoSerieA -, since even the top Italian championship since 15 January last has its own channel on the platform. Also because being on Tik Tok means having access to an even wider audience - as well as more heterogeneous -, since the data, on the one hand, tells that Tik Tok was the most downloaded app of 2020, and on the other, that its users are accounts of people between 16 and 24 years old (according to ComScore data).