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Nike x Club Alianza Lima lookbook

Peruvian vibes

Nike x Club Alianza Lima lookbook Peruvian vibes
Nike x Club Alianza Lima lookbook Peruvian vibes

After appreciating the street editorials about Atlético Nacional and the new Brazilian Seleçao home kit, here is another Nike lookbook set in South America: this time the protagonist is the Club Alianza Lima jersey, although already presented last December. In this case the set is La Victoria district, in the Peruvian capital, and the testimonials are boys and girls immortalized in the city streets, between perforated bricks and vintage cars.

Alianza Lima, currently involved in the Copa Libertadores as well as in the Peruvian Primera Division, is the oldest club in the country: in addition to the home jersey, white with vertical blue stripes resulting from a modern and original geometric pattern, the shots also depict the away jersey, almost all navy, but also anthem jackets, polo shirts, women's skirts and training tops.


 The Club Alianza Lima collection is available on sale on