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The heroes of 'Slam Dunk' have grown up

Cell Studio - Yong Yongyong has redesigned Takehiko Inoue manga characters

The heroes of 'Slam Dunk' have grown up Cell Studio - Yong Yongyong has redesigned Takehiko Inoue manga characters
The heroes of 'Slam Dunk' have grown up Cell Studio - Yong Yongyong has redesigned Takehiko Inoue manga characters

We talked about the new edition of the wonderful manga set in the world of high school basketball, Slam Dunk by Panini Comics. 

Sifting through the Internet I came across the weibo profile, the most famous Chinese social network, of a studio that has redesigned many contemporary Slam Dunk characters. The project is called "Men's Dangdang" and it was Cell Studio - Yong Yongyong. The realization of these works covers over 20 years from the first publication of the manga but the basic idea remains that of respecting the past and trying to reinterpret it.
The characters are now grown and some of them play in the most important teams in the world maintaining a strong individuality as originally had Takehiko Inoue.
Here's how they became the protagonists of Slam Dunk according to Cell Studio - Yong Yongyong: