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Nike unveils Korea del Sud World Cup kits

And fashion award for best shooting goes to...

Nike unveils Korea del Sud World Cup kits And fashion award for best shooting goes to...
Nike unveils Korea del Sud World Cup kits And fashion award for best shooting goes to...

After Brazile, Croatia, Poland and Portugal, today Nike unveiled the South Korea kits for the next World Cup. The team is one of the candidate be the underdog of the tournament. Even from an aesthetic point of view, the Koreans are confirmed among the most streetwear teams on the international scene: the Nike designer t-shirts are simple and elegant, but the shooting presentation is definitely the most refined released so far, in which stand out the new Air Max 270 and a very special styling.

The most exciting detail of South Korea's uniform is the crest of the football federation, simplified for the occasion in a black and white colorway. The home uniform is very simple: red t-shirt, black shorts and black socks. The away shirt has a more complex design: white base adorned with a pattern of red and blue traits in the shape of Tae-Geuk, the figure that dominates the Korean flag, symbol of balance in the world. The uniform is completed by white shorts and socks.