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Atlanta Hawks have been accused of racism by a former employee

Another race-issue for an NBA team after the incredible case that involved LA Clippers some years ago

Atlanta Hawks have been accused of racism by a former employee  Another race-issue for an NBA team after the incredible case that involved LA Clippers some years ago
Atlanta Hawks have been accused of racism by a former employee  Another race-issue for an NBA team after the incredible case that involved LA Clippers some years ago

Often the American Arenas are “borrowed” by events that are not strictly sportive or related to the NBA world. Being owner by the team – and then by the team’s owner – they are landed in order to host spectacles and, above all, concerts. If you’re then in Atlanta, home of the American trap, if could happen that the artist are rapper, black rapper.

This introduction allows us to report a news by TMZ and that is rapidly spreading all over America. A former-employee of the Atlanta Hawks denounced his team, accusing it of racism. The reason was the excessive number of controls under which the black star from the hip hop world were subject. Especially, the problem was related to the possibility of not pass under the metal detector, a privilege that is allowed to star like Adele or Bon Jovi and not the hip hop artist like Drake, Future or Migos.

It is not the first time NBA has to deal with racist accusation. Some years ago Donald Sterling, to that time the owner of LA Clippers, was banned and forced to sell the team after racism allegations.