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A dream called Europa

The work of Federico Grassi pays homage to the historical achievement of Atalanta

A dream called Europa  The work of Federico Grassi pays homage to the historical achievement of Atalanta
A dream called Europa  The work of Federico Grassi pays homage to the historical achievement of Atalanta

The extraordinary season of Atalanta ended in the best way possible. La Dea came back in Europe, after missing it since the 90s, and the joy of its supporters was incredible. Among them there was Federico Grassi, designer (for Motel 409) who worked – among the other things – to two lines of merch of Juventus. Federico then thought to take his experience to the service of his beloved team.

It starts here “Europa”, a special merch line realized for the Atalanta supporters and to celebrate the achievement. All the products are inspired by the past European experiences but with very modern recalls.

We are proud to present for the very first time “Europa”, together with a special interview with Federico.  

I’d like to start with a personal question. When did you start supporting Atalanta and which memories do you have of the first days?

My parents home address was Via Mantovani, in Bergamo, only 200 meters from the stadium… so I think I started cheering for Atalanta since I was born. I dedicated my youth to football and Atalanta so I can divide my young age into two periods: the “player one” when I did my first try with Atalanta at Campo Utili of Via Baioni. I was 6 and I had the number 8 shirt, some Lotto Gullit shoes with 13 cleats number 35 and a Select ball. As a “supporters” my life started with an Atalanta-Juventus game I saw with my father, in Curva Sud, with a neroazzurro pillow and the speaker yelling: “San Giorgio Investigations, San Giorgio Investigations”

What does Europe mean for an Atalanta supporter?

Europe for Atalanta is a fair tale that needs to be still written. It is the realization of a dream and efforts that last for years, among hopes and fears. It is the achievement that everyone needed, the youngest and the oldest (I love you CR77).

In the last years, football started to be a real trend for the streetwear. Atalanta always got something more under that point of view. How much the story of the Dea helped you in the realization of this line?

Atalanta’s got a centenary history, made of efforts and sweat, but not really of fashion. The most beautiful shirts are the ones of the 80s or 90s, with sponsors like NR, Lotto, Asics, very basic and raw jersey, built on the imaginary of the Bergamo character. I tried to merge the look of those years with something more related to the banner, stickers and merchandising typically of the supporters.

If I’m not wrong 90/91 was the last year in which Atalanta was sponsored by NR, a historical brand now disappeared but iconic in the story of the game. Did you take inspirations from those outfits?

You’re right. I started from that season – the last European season of Atalanta – elaborating the sponsor font of the time and building a collection that could touch different aspect of this historical season. NR, apart from having a beautiful logo, wore team like Atalanta, Bologna, Fiorentina, Lazio, Milan, Napoli, Pescara, Roma, Sampdoria, but also New York Cosmos, Cote D’Ivoire, Italy, Uruguay etc… until to disappear and born again as Ennedue (N2), but today the website in under construction.


How did you choose the merchandising elements to represents?

It was easy; the supporter outfit is very recognizable: jeans, sweater, hoodie and cap (here in the bucket version made for the Curva Nord). The accessories are instead a dedication to all the boys: GOAL!