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Ajax to rename its stadium after Johan Cruyff

Amsterdam ArenA will now become Johan Cruyff ArenA making happy its supporters

Ajax to rename its stadium after Johan Cruyff Amsterdam ArenA will now become Johan Cruyff ArenA making happy its supporters
Ajax to rename its stadium after Johan Cruyff Amsterdam ArenA will now become Johan Cruyff ArenA making happy its supporters

Amsterdam ArenA, the Ajax stadium that contributed to the born of the myth will be now entitled to Johan Cruyff. The proposal was in the air for some months, and it seems now to have won the resistances of some private partners.

At the end, it happened, and the loyalty to Johan - the greatest Dutch player ever – won. The project starts on the day of his 70th birthday and will last some month. But not only: some weeks ago the city of Amsterdam declared the availability to entitled a street to Cruyff, that, in this way, will team the city forever. 

It was not easy to find an agreement: the stadium, in fact, is co-owned by the club, the city and some private investors, who were more favorable to let some big sponsor come in. This choice is, in fact, a kind of new in this era, when, especially in Premier League, the sponsor are changing the morphology of the English stadium.