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Hogan turns the metaverse into reality for Design Week 2022
Between virtual worlds, talks on the metaverse, and NFTs becoming real
June 15th, 2022
Niccolò Rinaldi
How does one make a virtual world real? And how does the incursion of one reality into another occur? «Intangibility is tangible, as an artist, you create something whether it is real or digital, the invention will always have a value attached to it. Emotions and feelings are completely intangible but they are what we value most», this was the answer given by Gianluigi Ballarani, co-founder of Human Data Income, talking about NFTs during the META-TALK on cryptocurrencies, the fashion industry, and its opening into the world of Web3.0 held last April 7 at the Hogan boutique. Transforming the tangible into something intangible was the main theme of the "Metaverse in real life" event organized by the brand during Design week, where participants were able to try the Oculus Experience by discovering the 5 digital worlds dedicated to the NFT sneakers of the Hogan Untraditional project and admire the physical versions of those same digital sneakers signed by Studio Nita.
The experience served not only to explore the nexus between real and digital, but also to bring the audience together with Web 3.0 experts, who recounted developments in the field, and delved into its creative ramifications, both in the art and fashion worlds. «The NFT world is mostly made up of people who want to invest and make money easily and quickly, but there are also those collectors who want to support the creators and their works and not because they know that piece will resell for twice as much after one day, but because they have a deep interest», explained, for example, Software Boy, a young Italian digital artist, during the second META-TALK on June 9, focused precisely on the world of NFTs and held together with Philippe Abussi, co-creator of Mokamusic, author of the soundtrack that accompanies the immersive experience in the metaverse and pioneer of musical NFTs - discussed during the meeting. The future of the music discipline in the metaverse was called inevitable by Abussi, who added: «We are only at the beginning of sound and music experimentation in NFT and metaverse, the debate among practitioners is access».
An unprecedented experience that for the first time brought the disruptiveness of the metaverse to the Milan Fashion District demonstrating in all its breadth the enormous potential that Web 3.0 hides for the art world and the fashion industry. A world that already represents the future of the entire industry where «the abstractionism of the product», as Ballarani defined it during his talk, can take shape and move toward new and unexpected horizons of innovation, creativity, and inclusion.