How did the Enterprise Japan sneaker design workshop go
To learn how a sneaker is made
August 2nd, 2021
What's behind the creation of a sneaker? In the era of collabo and custom designs, it is easy to lose sight of the real work behind an object that is now part of our everyday life, forgetting the work and dexterity that hide behind a pair of sneakers.
This was the question that was the forerunner at the workshop organized by Enterprise Japan last July 29th in which, professional and non-professional designers, were able to get their hands on all the tools necessary to create a shoe not limited to theory, but moving directly to practice. From Domenico Formichetti to Leonardo Colacicco of LC23, from collective RAL7000 Studio to Jacopo de Carli and APJP, the guests of Enterpise Japan got their hands dirty among the uppers, soles and laces to create first-hand one-off models that will then be made available for the public through the e-commerce of the Locker Room Hub site.
Lauren Bentil told exclusively for nss magazine the first Enterprise Japan. Space Custom.