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In Dubai there's a pandemic, even though you can't see it

As reported in Julien Boudet's images

In Dubai there's a pandemic, even though you can't see it As reported in Julien Boudet's images
In Dubai there's a pandemic, even though you can't see it As reported in Julien Boudet's images
Julien Bodet

Over the last few months, nss magazine has been reporting on the impact of the health emergency on many cities around the world, discovering how, despite the distance and cultural differences, the lockdown ended up resembling the most important metropolises in the world. It's a common thread that connects Milano Sospesa, the empty offices of the City in London, the streets of Tokyo completely deserted. Looking at the images now arriving from Dubai, if it weren't for the masks, the health emergency would seem a distant memory. 

Julien Boudet, one of the most influential names in fashion and street style photography, was in the United Arab Emirates for a personal project, but there are many European citizens who have decided to move here, where the restrictions are less severe. "It's very refreshing to be there as you don't really feel like the Covid pandemic is there; besides the fact that you must wear the mask at all times, you can live a "regular" life, going to the beach, the pool... It's 30 degrees there, it's sunny all the time. I have a few friends who flew from France to "work from home" in Dubai, it's a pretty great idea", the photographer told nss magazine. 

That's precisely the mask the greatest difference between the life of before and our life now, which seems to go ahead normally in Dubai. "The greatest difference [with France] is probably the fact that everyone without any exception wears the mask all the time, literally. The fine you get in case you don’t wear it is also super expensive, so that helps of course. In France it’s “only” 135 euros, hence some people take the risk. Also, I feel like they take it more seriously there, in France nobody seems to care that much, they just want to live normally. Overall, I would say the biggest difference is that they’re way more strict than us in Europe, and it works apparently" Boudet explained. 
Beyond the necessary restrictions, the impact with a reality like that of Dubai, distant from our "new normal", has allowed Boudet to give vent to all his creativity, inevitably affected by the lockdown. "I felt free again, free to move around, free to go anywhere, free to shoot on location without the fear of getting caught by the police…The thing I missed the most was definitely the freedom to go outside and explore, talk to strangers, meet new people…basically our regular life before Covid-19. I felt relieved, almost as if this pandemic did not exist anymore. Trust me it is a great feeling!.." Boudet said.