The best 10 jerseys of the Champions League 2019/2020
The wait is over
September 17th, 2019
108 days have passed since the Madrid Final won by Liverpool against Tottenham, 108 days waiting for September 17th, the day when the Champions League starts again, the most exciting competition of the most beautiful sport in the world. Jerseys with the patch of the Champions League have a completely different charm and for this, we have decided to collect the 10 most beautiful jerseys of the edition that is about to begin, in the hope of seeing again matches like those of last season between Juve and Atletico Madrid, Barcelona-Liverpool and Tottenham-Ajax.
Among the endless reasons, the Champions League is special also because the clubs sometimes choose to wear uniforms different from those of the national leagues, or by replacing the numbers imposed by the federations (as in the case of the Liga, Premier League and Ligue 1) with customized ones. Last year the big news in this sense was the historic collaboration between Paris Saint-Germain and Jordan, also confirmed for this edition of UCL.