We went to the Go Skateboarding Day in Milan
The day dedicated to skateboarding around the city
June 26th, 2019
Stefano Ciriello
No School. No Work. No Commitment. Just Skate.
With these words, back in 2004, the IASC, the International Association of Skateboard Companies, gave officially life to the Go Skateboarding Day, an annual event set on June 21st, the longest day of the year. To come up with this idea was Don Brown, a member of the association - which worked to increase and spread the public exposure of this sport - who realized that despite working in a company dealing with skateboarding he hardly found the time to get on a deck. In a very short time, this call to action found an enthusiastic response in the biggest cities of North America, and soon all over Europe as well.
Flash forward to 15 years later Milan has become one of the most active and interesting skateboarding scenes of Europe, so it was natural that the Go Skateboarding Day would gather a great number of participants. Last June 21st the lens of Stefano Ciriello followed the skaters from the Central Station - the iconic place of the Milanese scene -, to Piazzale Leonardo da Vinci and later to Parco Lambro: an itinerary that has literally invaded the streets of the city, revealing once again the special bond that skateboarding shares with the architecture and the aesthetic of Milan.
A day where skateboarding was the absolute, pure and authentic protagonist, far from marketing operations and advertising campaigns: here's what went down at the Go Skateboarding Day 2019 in Milan.