Did Lindsay Lohan really convert to Islam?
Here's all the information we found about it
January 17th, 2017
The question everyone's wondering for about 24 hours is: did Lindsay Lohan convert to Islam? In fact, since yesterday the news about a possible American actress's religion conversion is going out to the Web, causing curiosity and mystery on the issue. The news, for the moment, has not been confirmed yet and the only one who could clarify the mystery once for all is Lohan herself, which seems disappeared, sadly. In fact, from the star's Instagram profile all the pictures were deleted and, more unexpected fact, the Arabic greeting “Alaikum Salam”, which means “peace be unto you”, was appeared on the bio. In addition to this clear proof, there are also some other facts which make us think that the Lindsay Lohan's Islamic conversion is real. About a year ago, the actress was spotted with a copy of Quran, the central religious text of Islam, in her hand, Recently, Lohan also travelled to Turkey and Emirates as voluntary to help camps who accommodate Syrian refugees. “It was scary for me at the time because I’m entering a world that I know nothing really about and I’m trying to learn about it… But the most amazing experience I’ve ever had was when I went into those container camps and saw what the Turkish people are actually doing for people that are just walking aimlessly and have nowhere else to go, and giving them refuge” Lindsay Lohan said during an interview. Finally, about a month ago, the actress travelled to Kuwait to film the first episode of the “Siwar Shoaib” show, hosted by Shoaib Rashid. The episode, which will be out on February, could shed some light on the alleged of the actress, contacted by Shoaib Rashid through the mutual friend Mohammed Turki, the hollywood Saudi producer. So, the ex Disney's enfant prodige, famous for her role in the cult-movie Mean Girls and, above all, for her turbulent love stories, but also her problem with alcool and drug abuse, seems to have found a second, new life. Lindsay Lohan is living a “spiritual renewal period”, fact that she confirmed during an interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2014: “I’m a very spiritual person and I’ve become more spiritual as time has gone on”. So, all the clues seem to confirm the religious conversion of Lindsay Lohan. Now we just have to wait for an official statement by the actress.