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Bruce Jenner comes out as a transgender

What you need to know about Bruce Jenner's interview

Bruce Jenner comes out as a transgender What you need to know about Bruce Jenner's interview

Living in a family of 99% women shouldn't  be particularly easy for a patriarch. In the bathroom, the depilatory creams replace the shaving ones. In the kitchen, slimming products take the place of the energy drinks. In the living room, the trash TV dominates the sports programs. In the dressing room, the suits of sequins replace the pile's ones. So, how to safeguard the manhood? Where to spend a truly macho-moment? How to make sure you have taken your daily 2000kcal if you have only vegetables and BIO juices in the fridge?

Good questions - which even Bruce Jenner wasn't able to answer at. Keeping the "masculine identity" within a family like the Kardashian's one is almost impossible. What to do? Nothing, if you can't beat them, join them.

... And Bruce Jenner is truly joining them.

The former sports star Bruce Jenner - loving father of Kylie and Kendall, as well as foster parent of the trio Kim, Kourtney and Klhoé Kardashian - has officially came out as transgender.

In a recent interview with ABC he discussed with Diane Sawyer about his world, his reasons and his feelings related to the delicate moment of transition that he's experiencing.

Here are the most crucial moments from the interview.


"Um, yes, and for all intents and purposes" said Jenner. "People look at me differently. They see this macho male, but this female side is part of me, it’s who I am. I was not genetically born that way. As of now, I have all the male parts and all that kind of stuff, so in a lot of ways we’re different, OK? But we still identify as female. And that’s very hard for Bruce Jenner to say. ’Cos why? I don’t want to disappoint people.”


At the beginning of the interview, Jenner asks Sawyer, "Shouldn’t I take the ponytail out?" Yeah, why not? Let’s take the damn ponytail out. Bruce’s wavy hair drops, and there you go. Free! A symbolic moment after 65 years: a brand new start.


This is what Jenner said talking about his childhood, far from the vodka martini he's used to drink now on the beach.

"I would say I’ve always been confused about my gender identity since I was this big" says Jenner, remembering going through his mother's closet and wearing dresses when he was nine years old. Even now, he says, he struggles with feelings of loneliness: "I’m still a lonely big boy".


When the interview touches upon the damaging nature of public humiliation and the papparazi’s invasion of his privacy, the tone shifts drastically. Jenner opens up about considering the idea of ending it all. The roughest paparazzi incident, he says, happened when he was caught at the doctor’s office for a tracheal shave. "That night, I thought, ‘It’s over.’ I was walking up and down this hall back and forth all night long. Heart pounding. I thought, ‘Wouldn’t the easiest thing to do right now be to go in the other room, get a gun. Pain is over. Done. Go to a better place. But if I die, I would be so mad at myself that I didn’t explore that side of me. I can’t do something like that. I want to know how this story ends".


When discussing his family’s reactions, Kim Kardashian and Kanye have been the most supportive. When Kim caught Bruce wearing a dress, she was later advised by husband Kanye. As Jenner tells Sawyer: "He says to Kim I could be married to the most beautiful woman in the world, and I am. I could have the most beautiful daughter in the world. I have it. But I am nothing if I can’t be me".


"We’d done 425 episodes, I think, over almost eight years now" says Jenner. "The entire run I kept thinking to myself, ‘Oh my god. This whole thing. The one real true story in the family was the one I was hiding and nobody knew about it. The one thing that could real make a difference in people’s lives was right here in my soul and I could not tell that story. What I’m doing is going to do some good. We’re going to change the world. I really, firmly believe that – that we’re going to change the world with what we’re doing. If the whole Kardashian show and reality television gave me a foothold into that world to really go out there and do some good, I’ve got no problem with that".


"If I were you, what question would you ask me?" asks Diane Sawyer, talking about gender reassignment surgery.

 "Are you going to be OK?" replies Bruce. "Surgery is so far down the road, it’s like the last thing in the world. I can’t figure that side of it out. I just want to have a free soul and have a lot of great friends. I’m 65. It’s not like you want to go out and get it on all the time. I just want to enjoy life".


"Please be open-minded. Have an open mind and open heart. I’m not this bad person. I’m just doing what I have to do" says Bruce.

...Who are we to judge?