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nss factory launches nosesnapshow

A new amazing project on instagram

nss factory launches nosesnapshow A new amazing project on instagram

In November 2008 Glyn Evans took two words, “iPhone” and “Photography”, fused them together and gave birth to iPhoneography. But the true revolution came when Instagram was born and started spreading worldwide those images taken by iPhoneographers. It was a new idea to conceive photography, a powerful and contemporary way to speak through pictures thanks to a platform built on emotions. Instagram is all about the serendipity of taking photos on the go and then publish a sort of “visual poems”.

Mobile phone photography is experiencing something of a revolution, from photos of us to photos by us. nss wants to celebrate this new tool of visual communication with the new-born #nosesnapshow, a project to celebrate visual creativity, to enrich our creative chaos through a set of different unconventional entries.

#nosesnapshow is a media project that uses the social network advantages involving as contributors the most interesting international Instagramers from all over the world. The contributor will provide @nssmagazine with his interesting and unique point of view of everyday life, becoming a sort of exclusive Editor in Chief of the magazine Instagram account.

Every week we will invite a different Editor to share his point of view on nss Instagram account @nssmagazine. Young artists from all over the world form today the first project of a magazine in Italy dealing with this new challenging mobile creativity, making art as you move through life, at the very moment inspiration arrives. 

We want to give to creative people another opportunity to show their work, providing them an unusual exposure in an exciting and innovative setting. Each week an Editor will take over our Instagram account and will have all the space his creativity will need. Are you ready? 

#nosesnapshow will be online on January 13th ... nose something ... snap the moment .. show the feeling.