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"Selfie" is the word of 2013

The Pope agrees

Selfie is the word of 2013  The Pope agrees
Selfie is the word of 2013  The Pope agrees

2013 is coming to an end and we can say without any doubt that it was the year of the boom of the selfie. The selfie fever has become so viral in recent times that the Oxford Dictionary has elevated the neologism "selfie" as key word of the year (sorry Miley, the "twerking" is no longer in pole position ) .

We are talking about a photographic revolution that swept away a long tradition of skies, pets, breakfast and kisses pics.

By peeking every social network we can find different categories of self-portraits. Here is a short list of the most popular selfies and some useful tips for their proper execution. 

The most reliable and easy to do are undoubtedly the "home edition selfies" . You only need to sit on the sofa and pretend that someone is taking you a picture. You have lots of choices : you can pretend to eat, to watch TV or to sleep. Let's work with the immagination! For this kind of selfie you need to have quick reflexes. The danger of "relatives-who-could-find-you-in-embarassing-pose" is always around the corner.

Another category: "the social selfies". If you don't document that you are in good company with a selfie, no one will ever believe you. A kiss at the camera with your best friend will save your socialite essence . Try it!

Then we find the bad selfies: from the softest ones like the selfies at the dentist, at the spa and those made in the early morning , until the trashest - mostly sourced overseas - in which we distinguish the funerals, cemeteries and hospitals ones.
To end the digression we must also mention the selfie with celebs. Throw out the notebook for the autographs, please. If you see a celebrity in the surrounding area you are morally obliged to take a picture together. The three guys who have recently pushed this practice to an extreme level by involving himself, the Holy Father , Pope Francis, in a selfie know it well.

Regardless of sociological considerations, one thing is clear. The advent of selfise has also led to the advent of a new way of looking at our subjectivity. In a society where individulity rules, all that is only increasing people's self.
We are all pretty in our smiling poses, however it would be good to look beyond ourselves too. Outside there is a beautiful world to discover. Ça va sans dire .
That said, I'm going to take me a selfie.