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Pregnant Shakira

Shows Off Growing Baby Bump in Concert

Pregnant Shakira  Shows Off Growing Baby Bump in Concert

Scatenatissima e visibilmente incinta, del suo compagno Gerard Pique, difensore del Barcellona, Shakira canta e balla animatamente durante il suo concerto a Baku, Azerbaijan, dimostrando di non aver alcun limite fisico, nonostante lo stato interessante, data la sua frenetica agilità. Hips don't lie! for sure!


Wild and visibly pregnant, of her boyfriend Gerard Pique, defender of the Barcelona, Shakira sings and dance lively during her concert in Baku, Azerbaijan, showing that she has not  some physical limit, although the interesting state,infact we can see her frenetic quickness. Hips don' t lie! for sure!