Jeff Koons will send his sculptures to the Moon
You heard that right

March 30th, 2022
Jeff Koons has announced a new project called Jeff Koons: Moon Phases that will be developed in two parts: on one hand there will be a collection of NFTs (the first for the artist) produced together with Pace Verso, the digital platform of Pace Gallery; on the other hand the American artist will send to the Moon some of the physical counterparts of the NFTs put on sale in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 17 mission. The launch will take place within the year from the Kennedy Space Station at Cape Canaveral. The sculptures, whose appearance has not yet been made known to the public, will be the first works of art to be "exhibited" on our satellite where they will remain forever, contained in a miniature transparent and thermally coated structure named CubeSat.
I am very excited to announce my first-ever NFT project, “Moon Phases” rooted in humanistic and philosophical thought. Space explorations have given us a perspective of our ability to transcend worldly constraints.
— Jeff Koons (@JeffKoons) March 29, 2022
Video Jeff Koons #JeffKoonsMoonPhases #JeffKoons #PaceVerso pic.twitter.com/PBiv8Wbtbb
Other contributors to the project include NFMoon, a digital art and tech company founded by Chantelle Baier and investor Patrick Colangelo, along with another private company, also founded by Brier, under the name 4Space - the first woman-owned space company that, along with Intuitive Machines, designed the Nova-C lunar lander that will take Koons' sculptures to the moon. «I wanted to create a historically meaningful NFT project rooted in humanistic and philosophical thought» explained Koons. «Our achievements in space represent the limitless potential of humanity. Space explorations have given us a perspective of our ability to transcend worldly constraints. These ideas are central to my NFT project, which can be understood as a continuation and celebration of humanity’s aspirational accomplishments within and beyond our own planet».