The first installation of nss meta
From 24 to 27 February during the fair of White Milano
February 21st, 2022
From 24th to 27th February in via Tortona 58, during the fair of White Milano, will be presented the first installation of nss meta, the new branch of the nss ecosystem still under construction with the aim of expanding the editorial universe of the magazine to the Metaverse. The installation will consist of a teaser realized with the technological support of WHY, while the composer and sound designer Philip Abussi of Mokamusic was responsible for the soundtrack of the experience in which, through Oculus, it will be possible to immerse oneself in a preview of the virtual reality of nss meta, among 3D spaces, a vocal guide and a submerged library in which one can "touch with one's hand" the glossary of Web 3.
A few months ago Wall Street Journal encouraged investors "to look into the Metaverse even if they don't yet understand what it is." This is also true for publishers who will be able to explore unprecedented opportunities for involvement, new forms of advertising, building a community around themselves. We've already seen examples of the potential of publishing in the Metaverse with the Financial Times, where the first virtual interview with Meta's Nick Clegg was conducted, and in South Korea, where the leading business newspaper, Maiel Business Newspaper, held editorial meetings in Web3. Journalists like technology and new media expert Cathy Hackl are starting to specialize in topics like Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, publishing newsletters and hosting podcasts, helping brands and companies prepare for the future and "master the Metaverse."
Witnessing and interpreting the sign of the times is the objective of White Milano, the concept tradeshow of reference for international womenswear, on stage in Milan from February 24 to 27. Four days of high intensity, in four exclusive locations within the Tortona Fashion District, White Milano will be at the same time a hub for brand exhibitions (about 400), a hybrid between fair and showroom, for companies that are rewriting the rules of the supply chain in terms of sustainability and new technologies. The interest in the ecological and digital transition is represented in particular by WSM (White Sustainable Milano), a platform of visibility for operators in the sector.
At a time when more and more publishers have decided to rediscover paper as a medium, when brands are recovering their archives for inspiration, nss has decided to look to the future. With the launch of the nss meta newsletter, the desire to investigate the contradictions and the potential that virtuality can bring to everyone's daily life was made clear. We are aware that with social media increasingly in the balance between changing algorithms and an increasingly frenetic use, we are at a crucial turning point in the future of the media. In the world of fashion a real revolution is underway, a new time that reflects the changing needs and values of consumers and in which designers and fashion houses can act on multiple dimensions -virtual and physical- not only to adapt to the changing times, but to contribute to change.