Tom Daley took the crochet to the Olympics
Gold medal in dips and crochet
August 2nd, 2021
From summer trend to pastime of Olympic athletes, crochet has officially landed also in Tokyo thanks to Tom Daley, the English athlete immortalized in the stands while watching his teammates and teammates of the national team making the shirt. As told by Daley himself, the passion for crochet was born during the pandemic and soon became a way to relax and relieve tension during a stressful event like the Olympics.
In recent months, the world of sport has begun to really come to terms with the importance of the mental health of its athletes. Moving first to Naomi Osaka and recently with Simone Biles, athletes have begun to assert their reasons against a system that, also thanks to the media, leads athletes to a breaking point. Daley, who has always been open to his private life, channeled stress and anxiety through one of the trends of 2021, so much so that he opened a Youtube channel to show his creations, including sweaters and jackets.
Daley, like many other colleagues and colleagues, has transformed social media into a platform to tell the behind-the-scenes of the Olympics, taking us to the Olympic villages and showing us the everyday life of a world that we often see only as end users, often forgetting the personal side and emotional behind every athlete.