The new live-stream clubbing initiative by IED Milano
"Queercheck" is the name of the initiative dedicated to diversity and inclusion
November 17th, 2020
5 hours of live streaming from Base Milano to support Italian clubbing, in collaboration with the international platform United We Stream: this is the latest initiative of IED Milano, entitled Queercheck, launched in support of the milanese clubbing world, its diversity and inclusivity. This will be the first appointment of a new experimental format of streaming events. IED involved students, teachers and alumni of the courses of Media Design, Sound Design, Video Design, Fashion Styling & Communication and Fashion Marketing for the definition of the format and the production of an event based on it with the coordination of Paolo Solcia, Vincenzo Fabiano, Michele Manghi and Jacopo Bedussi.

Creators, DJs and performers who today represent five unique and authorial visions and proposals of Milanese queer-clubbing will be involved: Plastic with Club Domani, Toilet Club, Q21, B Ballroom and Stefano Protopapa. To talk, through music, about diversity, inclusion, queerness. The inspiration for the project was born from DJ Federica Zamboni, aka Missin Red who responded to the IED Creative Mobilization for Italy: a call for proposal launched by the European Institute of Design during the first lockdown to support the different Italian realities ignored by mainstream media.