A beginner's guide to survive in Milan during summer
Holidays arrive in Milan too if you believe it enough
July 22nd, 2020
It happens to everyone once in a lifetime. Whether it's for work, or it's an irresponsible personal decision, you get stuck in Milan in summer. This year, after the lockdown and the Covid-19, the sense of desolation is even stronger: the city has emptied earlier than usual, tourists are nowhere to be seen and even discos and parties are out of the question. But perhaps, if you've stayed in town, this is a good opportunity to discover the best corners of the city to face the hottest month in the concrete jungle.
With a hundred and fifty-two kilometers to separate you from the nearest sea (for the record, it's the Ligurian one) summer couldn't seem further away: you'll be forced to face legions of mosquitoes, a constant stream of Instagram stories where your friends enjoy spritz by the sea and a climate straight from the Amazon's green inferno. Taking refuge in the icy air-conditioned lanes of the Esselunga will only be a temporary antidote to pain – but the truth is that you always stay in the most international city in Italy and if you want to enjoy a burst of life, you can. So courage: all is not lost.
For this nss magazine has drawn up for you a list of things to do this summer in Milan in addition to praying for the return of winter.
Pools & Parks
Lido BAM - Biblioteca degli Alberi
Art Exhibits
Prima, donna. Margaret Bourke-White
Peter Lindbergh. Heimat – A Sense of Belonging
Studio Museo Francesco Messina
Sotto il cielo di Nut. Egitto divino
Luisa Menazzi Moretti. Io sono / I Am
Regina José Galindo. Da Prometeo Gallery
Vitrea. Vetro contemporaneo d’autore
Ristorante Torre – Fondazione Prada