IED launches an initiative for the creative mobilization of its community
"IED per l'Italia"
May 18th, 2020
While Italy continues struggling in one of its hardest moments in history, still there is an excitement that never goes out. It's a human enthusiasm that goes on despite the tragedy and is always looking for the public good. To give a voice to this ferment, IED European Institute of Design has launched IED per l’ITALIA, a creative mobilization born in one of the main institutes that represent creativity in support of new, fresh ideas in the fields of products, services, communication and others.
The great challenge that IED is facing has multiple facets: it has to respect its educational mission, to keep straight its community, to turn the difficulties in opportunities and occasions to be even better, to find new perspectives and to put the design in the service of society.
“Today more than ever we are aware that we are part of a global community, so every solution must also be global, always keeping in mind that we are stronger if we stay together", said Emanuele Soldini, Director of IED Italia. "When it comes to face emergencies like the one we're facing right now, we have to put in place our best energies. That's how we can work with each other, find solutions and develop new projects that we never thought of before. IED per l’Italia is born from this idea, and it's a call for help that invites all creatives who are part of the IED community and more to not loose their ideas, but to propose them so that they can find support and be used for the common good.”
That is how IED engaged with all of its community (that is made of more than 15.500 people, including students, alumni, professors and staff) in order to collect proposals and projects that answer the many needs that society has in this particular time. In the application be submit every proposal it has been asked to describe for whom the project is, its goal, its state of progression and what it takes to be realized: development (support of people, technicians or suppliers), production (support of structures) or communication strategies. Among the projects that have already been submitted, there are virtual platforms and galleries dedicated to cultural and artistic contents, as well as information and educational services, edutainment projects for kids, products in support of the health emergency; but also projects for the future, in support of the Country and its made in Italy, including the fashion industry.
Once every project has been valued, IED will choose the best proposals and will take part in their activation to support them in every step of the development.