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The Porn industry in 2019 - Interview with Valentina Nappi

The role of the pornostar, fans and femminism

The Porn industry in 2019 - Interview with Valentina Nappi The role of  the pornostar, fans and femminism
The Porn industry in 2019 - Interview with Valentina Nappi The role of  the pornostar, fans and femminism
At the Future Vintage Festival, we interviewed Italian porn star Valentina Nappi, the woman most clicked by Italian users on PornHub. For those not familiar with the genre, Valentina Nappi is one of the most famous porn stars in the industry, number 35 among the most popular actresses on Porn Hub, in the past she has been on the cover of Playboy and Penthouse, the two reference magazines for the hard genre.
After the docu-film "Io sono Valentina Nappi", released in May 2018, Valentina Nappi recently announced a collaboration with the streetwear brand Fuct, an unusual choice that combines two very similar, irreverent and non-conformist philosophies of thought.
Waiting to see if other items of the collaboration will be unveiled, which for now includes only a skateboard with the naked actress's photo, we asked Valentina about her work, her fans and some taboos in the porn industry.
Visualizza questo post su Instagram

Mama Mia!!!! @instavalentinanappi *8.125 / 7 PLY CND. MAPLE

Un post condiviso da FUCT (@fuct) in data:

# 1 What is a pornstar doing in a streetwear festival? 
They pay me. I've done several porn scenes for free, but if I have to attend an event with Cruciani (Italian Journalist, ndr) they have to pay me. 
# 2 How has the role of the porn star changed since you've started? And how may it change in the next 20 years? 
With the return of some feminist fashions, in a certain sense, there was a deterioration: too many "vanilla", glossy, "artistic" scenes etc. I preferred the style of a few years ago, which was harder and less licked.

#3 Has AR and VR technologies changed the role of porn stars? 
They have not changed the profession, but represent very interesting possibilities. Today, unfortunately, there are still many limitations both to the performance of the actors and to the experience of the user, but I believe we must go increasingly in that direction.

#4 How do you create a connection between the actress and the public?
I did more than one gangbang with fans: no one paid anyone, everything has always been dedicated to gratuity, ethics, beauty and generosity. The public must understand that you are different, that you are far from a certain slimy and mercenary mentality.

#5 Can choosing consciously to enter in the porn industry be considered an act of feminism?
I don't like feminism: historically the anti-sex currents have always prevailed and since the early twentieth century feminists have allied themselves with the Catholic world.
#6 Why do many women - in your opinion -  still not admit to watching porn?
They must show little interest in sex to be able to sell their own goods. The more "virgin" they look, the more  slimy and mercenary they are. It is a way to make female sexuality "precious". It horrifies me.