Google is patenting sneakers for virtual reality
Motorized and omnidirectional
November 20th, 2018
Immersive experiences are increasingly accessible to everyone and virtual reality offers different worlds to explore. However, while we are able to move our heads and hands relatively realistically, walking remains a problem ... at least until now. Yes, because maybe a valid solution is coming. It seems, in fact, that Google has patented a pair of sneakers in VR. Features? As revealed by the US company, they are “…motorized footwear in physical space [that] may be tracked, and movement of the footwear may be translated into corresponding movement in a virtual environment". Paraphrasing, this means that sneakers have small wheels (motorized and omnidirectional), motors and internal bits that allow you to walk naturally staying in one place, detail that allows you to convert the movement made in motion in-game or in-VR, avoiding, for example, that someone, absorbed in a parallel world, banging against the wall of the living room or pissing the cat's tail Not bad, isn't it? Google is not the first company to try the business (remember the Virtuix Omni treadmill?), but it seems to be the project better, let's just hope that now he can translate it into a valid product and, perhaps, not too much expensive.