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Kanye West vs the rest of the world

The rapper loves Trump, does not forgive Taylor Swift and has something to say about slavery

Kanye West vs the rest of the world The rapper loves Trump, does not forgive Taylor Swift and has something to say about slavery

Every time Kanye West opens up a mess happens.

He praised (again) Donald Trump in a series of tweets, calling him a brother with his own dragon energy, thus triggering the opposite reactions not only of the hip hop scene, but of the world of music more generally and seems to have lost millions followers, even if now spokesperson of the social network deny.

If the rapper's approval drops drastically, on the contrary, the sales of his brand go up. In fact, Yeezy does not feel the effect of the #GrabYourWallet effect (campaign dedicated to causing the rapid disappearance of any brand associated with extreme right-wing ideologies that Trump exposes) and on clothing and shoes stores like StockX or Grailed records an increase in hype and sales.

I wonder if Kanye's new statements will have the same effect.

Mr Kardashian has released a couple of new interviews, at TMZ and at Charlamagne Tha God for "Mr. West's California "and, as usual, has spared nothing or anyone.

He pointed to the 2009 VMA incident with Taylor Swift as the last straw that led him to hospitalization due to a nervous breakdown; he expressed love for Jay-Z; talked about liposuction; he called Yeezy a $ 1 billion unicorn and remembered the failure of Season 4 as one of its darkest periods; has defined 400 years of slavery for African Americans as a "choice". A declaration that, of course, has inflamed all public opinion negatively.

Only in the last weeks West has the manager, quarreled with his mother-in-law Kris Jenner, said he wanted to publish an autobiography, launched a series of new musical projects, sent tweet to burst (including philosophical book), released controversial interviews.

Perhaps too many activities leave little time to reflect on the weight of their words.

Below are the highlights of the latest statements.


On Taylor Swift and his 2016 break down:

"Every since the Taylor Swift moment, it's never been the same," he said. "The connection with radio. It's like whatever powers that be it was much harder after that."


On his mental health:

“I think I’m in a stronger place than I ever was. After the breakdown—or I like to say, the breakthrough. Fear, stress, control, being controlled, manipulation, like being a pawn in a chess piece of life…validation that I didn’t need to worry about as much”.


The world as a therapy:

"I use the world as my therapy…Anyone I talk to is my therapist.. I put that as advice to people, use people around you as your therapist because they probably know more about you."


On Jay-Z:

"We good. We're texting each other as positive energy," he said. "I haven't seen him, but I can feel him."

He admitted that he was "hurt" that Jay-Z and his wife Beyoncé did not attend his 2014 wedding to Kardashian.


What does he have in common with Trump:

“I love challenging the norm. I love people who don’t love him…

I don’t have all the answers that a celeb is supposed to have, but I can tell you that when he was running, it’s like I felt something. The fact that he won proves something. It proves that anything is possible in America.”


On Obama who called him "jackass":

“…I'm your favorite. But I'm not safe. But that's why you love me. So just tell me you love me. And tell the world you love me. Don’t tell the world I’m a jackass…”


On slavery:

“When you hear about slavery for 400 years. For 400 years? That sounds like a choice. You was there for 400 years and it’s all of y’all. It’s like we’re mentally in prison. I like the word prison because slavery goes too direct to the idea of blacks. Slavery  is to blacks as the Holocaust is to Jews. Prison is something that unites as one race, blacks and whites, that we’re the human race.”


On the world of fashion and the failure of Yeezy Season 4:

"I was 45 minutes late [to a fashion show], and they LeBron-ed me, bro. Remember when LeBron went to Miami and they killed him and burned his jersey and all that? I had just done Madison Square Garden… I'm an artist. And it affected me emotionally."


On Nike:

 “I love Nike — I loved Nike. I had to put the -ed on it for the stockholders,” he said. “It was heartbreaking for me to have to leave Nike, but they refused to allow me to get royalty on my shoe and I knew I had the hottest shoe in the world.”


On his new music:

“I want to create music that’s therapeutic”.


On his presidential aspirations:

"I could become president one day".