Vocal Fry and Upspeak are the new social phenomena
All thanks to the Kardashian clan and to rappers like Lil Wayne

March 23rd, 2018
Some find it irritating, others think it makes sexier.
We are talking about Vocal Fry and Upspeak, ways of talking that, although they have existed for some time, have come back strongly over the current due to the fault or merit of the Kardashian clan.
vocal fly
But what do they consist of?
Vocal Fry is similar to the low, croaking voice you get when you're sick. It is the lowest vocal register and is produced through a loose glottal closure which will permit air to bubble through slowly with a popping or rattling sound of a very low frequency.
It occurs when you go down to the lowest register and talk below 70 Hz.
Recent studies have shown that those who speak with this register are "less competent, less educated, less reliable, less attractive and less engaging", but, nevertheless, the trend is widespread, especially among the twenties Americans.
In the 1960s, the British gentlemen were a symbol of their social superiority and Billie Holiday of blues; in 1998 Britney Spears made him a pop phenomenon with his hit Baby One More Time; it is a characteristic of actress Zooey Deschanel; but the real queens of this use of the voice are Mrs. West and her sisters. In the world of rap US the biggest fan of Vocal Fry is Lil Wayne, but they also use many others like A$AP Rocky, Future and Tyler, The Creator.
The Upspeak or Valleyspeak, is when you end a declarative sentence in a raised tone. This technique has the ability to make an affirmation sound like a question.
If in the male universe it is typically labeled as "gay voice", therefore not widespread, with some exceptions like George W. Bush; while women, especially in the '70s used the upspeak to look nice. The inclination upwards sweetens a sentence; offering rather than imposing an idea.