Facebook at the center of the storm
And lost $ 50 billion on the stock exchange
March 21st, 2018
Facebook is in trouble.
The company of Mark Zuckerberg is targeted by criticism and lost $ 50 billion on the stock exchange, 9 billion in only 48 hours, as a result of the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

The social network is accused of not being sufficiently supervised, making it possible for a developer to cede information gathered on millions of users, data then illicitly used for electoral purposes.
Let's do some clarity.
Cambridge Analytica is an online marketing company close to the American right that deals with gathering large amounts of data, analyzing them and building customized promotional campaigns, leveraging the interests and emotions of individual users.
Two parallel investigations by the New York Times and the Guardian have revealed how it has used a huge amount of data taken from the social network (by about 50 million users), without respecting its conditions of use, to influence campaigns in favor of exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union and Donald Trump during the 2016 US presidential elections.
At the time of the facts Cambridge Analytica self-declared itself to Facebook, which, in response, asked for the destruction of those data and changed the rules on their collection.
Returning to the current situation, the scandal hit heavily FB that was swamped by an unprecedented amount of negative articles and comments that, in turn, in two days have reduced its market value by about $ 50 billion, great decline in its history on the stock exchange.

In addition, the attorneys general of the states of New York and Massachusetts, the Federal Trade Commission (the federal agency that regulates telecommunications in the United States), several members of the American Congress and also the European Union have asked Facebook to clarify the situation and what measures to implement.
For now, the social network maintains a low profile, releasing press with few indications on how it intends to remedy the situation.