Skepta and Naomi Campbell together on the April cover of British GQ
They talk about sex, politics and black power
March 9th, 2018
The April issue of the British magazine GQ puts on the cover Skepta and Naomi Campbell.

Stunning, the artist and the iconic top model, are the protagonists of a hot photo shoot, in underwear signed MAINS, rapper's brand, but also a long interview.
The couple, who met for the first time in November 2016 at the British Fashion Awards at the Royal Albert Hall, talks about black power, politics, sex and #MeToo movement.
Here are some of the most interesting revelations made by Skepta and Naomi at GQ.
On the importance of having a color pair, made up of figureheads, on the GQ cover
NC: “Yes, it’s great that we’re a black man and a black woman on the cover of British GQ in 2018. This is the new way; this is what it should be and how it should stay. We’re not a trend. And this year, if you look at fashion ad campaigns, there’s a person of colour in every campaign – and that’s a big deal.”
On the increase of black models in advertising campaigns
NC: “This season will be the first time so many women of color will star in major brand campaigns. What’s left to do now is [the] beauty [industry]. But this is not an attack – we’re just making you aware.”

On the importance of big media statements concerning color, such as this magazine cover, the Black Panther film and more
NC: " I’ve seen so many people sacrifice their lives: Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela… Now, more than ever, when I do a job, I don’t care about fame. I think, “What does it do for my people?”"
S: "These magazines are important because they shape how society sees beauty."
About Donald Trump
NC: " Ignorant people now feel they can come out and openly show their ignorance because the leader of the free world is showing his.”
S: “[Laughs.] I shouldn’t laugh, but with the presidents and people we have in power, who am I to take it seriously? This is hilarious. This is The Sims. This is a game of The Sims.”

On how they deal with racism
NC: “I don’t react openly. I go back and get what I want. You say I can’t have it? Well, I’m going to get it another way. I’ve never used it as an excuse to fall down on as a victim. It drove me.”
S: “I don’t engage with ignorance. My mother always told me, “Never argue with a fool, because from afar you can’t tell who’s who.””
About Harvey Weinstein and the #MeToo movement
NC: “I wasn’t surprised at all. He’s who he is. It’s awful. I don’t want to talk about him anymore. I’m done.”

…on defining sexual assault, and if a touch on the knee is considered sexual assault
NC: “If anyone, man or woman, does not want to be touched and you force yourself on them, then it’s assault. There’s nothing to define. It’s wrong, period. I’m thinking of something more than a touch on the knee when you say the word assault to me. I’m thinking of something that’s against the person’s will.”
S: “I think it’s crazy that there are guidelines to “doing right”. It’s just simple. If someone doesn’t feel you like that, then you obviously know. And if they say it to you, then you know anything past that is just wrong.”
On being a feminist
S: “Artists like Lil Peep – rest in peace – are talking [about these problems] openly now. And what we’re realising is that sex is it. It’s the reason [all these issues] exist. We have to respect sex. For a long time, men weren’t respecting women. They weren’t understanding mother earth, mother nature, the motherland, all the motherly stuff.
…I am for feminism. I stand up for women standing up for themselves in the same way I stand up for being black…”