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Stranger Things 3 is officially happening

Meanwhile, the Duffer brothers already reveal some details

Stranger Things 3 is officially happening Meanwhile, the Duffer brothers already reveal some details
Stranger Things 3 is officially happening Meanwhile, the Duffer brothers already reveal some details

"Yooo why you so sad? Season 3 of Stranger Things is officially happening... that means more eggos... more kisses... and more crying".

yooo why you so sad? season 3 of Stranger Things is officially happening... that means more eggos... more kisses... and more crying

Un post condiviso da Millie Bobby Brown (@milliebobbybrown) in data:

Warning! Red alert! Finally it's official: Stranger Things will have its third season!

To communicate it on Twetter was the official Netflix page that with a tweet has generated the pure chaos among the series' biggest fans.

Some said that, after the success of the second chapter, it would have been foolish not to confirm a third, instead, other voices spoke of a stop, but now nothing matters anymore.

The creators of the TV series, Matt and Ross Duffer, were interviewed by Yahoo! and they decided to unveil something about the future of ST:

“It will have to be somewhat of a time gap, because the kids are, I mean, they already look so much older,” Ross explained. “No matter what we want to do, I remember when we were originally talking about Season 2, we wanted to just start it in Christmas and just go from there, but then we realized the kids are just too old, so we had to jump forward. Even the latest trailer, we had to loop a line with [Caleb McLaughlin, who plays Lucas]. He sounds like a man now. It creeps me out. He’s going to be driving to set next year.”

“We have an end goal; we know where we want to go,” Ross Duffer told us. “We’re not quite sure how long it will take to get there, but we do have a plan. And some of it, it’s just because Season 2, we just came into it with so many ideas, and so many of them have been kicked further down the road. So we’re gonna use some of those. In [our Season 2 brainstorm], we figured out what that ending is, but it’ll take more than one year to get there.”

Is this statement implicitly revealing that we will also have a fourth or fifth season? We can not say anything yet, but certainly many of the new entries of ST 2 will be confirmed, we talk about Mad Max, the young tough with long red hair, or Erica, the funny and cute little sister of Lucas.

The directors will also take advantage of the story of Kali, Eleven's sister, to repropose it again and develop it in a more detailed and audacious way for the public, which certainly had much to say about the seventh episode focused on her character, repeatedly criticized and defined 'superfluous'.

Many questions have remained pending after season 2: what will be the fate of Hawkins' dark lab? How will the love story between Nancy and Jonathan proceed? Will the family affair of Max remains in the background?

We just have to wait and hope to return as soon as possible in the Hawkins' magical world to get lost once again among the sticky labyrinths of Upside Down.