Here is the truth about the mysterious PROJECT 10 by Kanye West
Everything but what you're thinking at

March 17th, 2017
Do you remember that mysterious project which was thought Kanye West was working on? That package sent to MTV News? The glitch website? Project 10?
Well, if all these words are familiar to you please read on otherwise first click here for a quick refresher.
The news was just launched by MTV this Wednesday 16, immediately after receiving the package of the mystery. From that moment all the speculation have started. But from the start.
The thing on which the whole pop culture has focused his attention is only one: the white card engraved with
#1 the number 772233688;
#2 the name of Kanye West;
#3 the word NASA;
#4 the written PROJECT 10;
#5 the date 03/20.
Given the recent enmity between Kanye and journalists, the possible launch of his tenth album (PROJECT 10) could have easily made through a mysterious package sent to the press, but it was not so.
The address of the sender is indeed to be that of the California Institute of Technology posted by a certain Max Peck. Good. Some hip-hop fanatic joker at CalTech has planned the hoax of the century, end of story! But, ehm, no.
"Max Peck" is, in fact, the alias used by NASA astronauts during classified mission. So, let's recap: secret missions, space, and a Jet Propulsion Laboratory. All accompanied by a mysterious numerical code that, when typed on a telephone keypad, makes the writing SPACED OUT and if typed in the web, opens a website with two minutes of fog - a sort of glitch effect produced by some VHS footage. Wait, that VHS is also the aesthetics that Kanye himself and family are using recently on various social networks. Not to mention that the young filmmaker Julian Klincewics has spent the last few months following and filming the rapper with his VHS video camera ...
So, what do we know for sure? That the Def Jam Records has openly denied the Kanye participation as well as the 'output of any of its trace on 20 March; the MTV page with the article on the package phantom was overshadowed - indeed a quite unique event even in cases of denial - and that, whatever that means all this, is undoubtedly the most successful promotion strategy in recent years.
We just have to wait for Monday, March 20 and see what will happen.